Increase Gratitude | Open Your Heart | Tao Hands

Increase Gratitude | Open Your Heart | Tao Hands

Increase Gratitude | Open Your Heart | Divine Healing Hands
A grateful heart is an open heart. Just think about the times you've really felt grateful for someone or something. How did that feel? Wouldn't you like to feel that way all the time?

Gratitude is a key for leading a happy, successful life. Social scientists have found that gratitude can be cultivated with practice, and that it leads to many positive results and benefits. For example, research shows that those who practice gratitude experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and have strong immune systems. People who express their gratitude to others more often experience increased energy, optimism and empathy. In general, grateful people are happier, healthier and more open-hearted, as gratitude comes from the heart. 

So how can we become more grateful? Gratitude can be developed with practice, which means creating regular bouts of gratitude! There are a lot of programs and methods to develop gratitude. A popular method used by many is to keep a gratitude journal, written in daily, with what you are grateful for. One can also make the intention to be grateful for everything and through out the day, express gratitude as often as possible, silently or when appropriate, out loud. For example, we can thank our car's, our shoes, the road, our office, the person serving us our coffee, our food, etc. Everyone and everything has a soul and souls really like to be appreciated! Gratitude has the effect of spreading heart warming cheer everywhere it's practiced.

Increase Gratitude | Open Your Heart | Divine Healing Hands
The good news is that we can also apply soul healing techniques to help develop our gratitude and to remove blockages to our gratitude. Some of us have more blockages than others. Ego is a big blockage to gratitude and to the spiritual journey. We can benefit greatly from practicing gratitude. You can try a simple practice like this one, with the Four Power Techniques:

Body Power: Sit up straight, with feet flat on the floor, one palm over your navel and the other palm over your heart area. 

Soul Power - Say Hello:

Dear my beloved soul, heart, mind and body,
I love you, honor and appreciate you.
I'm so grateful for your service!
You have the power to develop a grateful heart.
Do a good job.
Let us practice gratitude together.
Thank you.

Dear my spiritual mothers and fathers,
I love you, honor you and appreciate you.
Thank you for your constant love and blessings.
I deeply apologize for all the ways I have been ungrateful.
Can you please help remove blockages to my gratitude as I chant?
Thank you.

Mind Power: Visualize beautiful light coming into your heart center and heart area, and throughout your being as you chant and practice.

Sound Power: Chant silently or aloud:

Greatest Gratitude,
Greatest Gratitude,
Greatest Gratitude,
Greatest Gratitude.

Chant for as long as you wish. Longer is better! When you want to stop, say:

Hao. Hao. Hao. (perfect, get well...)
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Love you. Love you. Love you.
Please rest/return (to you spiritual mothers and fathers).

How do you feel? We invite you to practice gratitude regularly. It will make you a happier, healthier person!

With love,

The Tao Hands Team

Increase Gratitude | Open Your Heart | Tao Hands


  1. SO beautiful -- TY TY TY -- Divine Healing Hands are SO incredible and each and every day i give gratitude to being approved for DHH and ever since i received the download my healing practice has changed drastically and clients are asking what the difference is that they are feeling.......... Mmmmm - the power of DHH and blessed to be serving with this powerful treasure. SO grateful - So very... VERY grateful...

    1. Thank you, Gavin, for your beautiful comment. We are extremely blessed to have Divine Healing Hands to rely on for all our healing and development needs! Blessings of love and gratitude to you!


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