5 Keys to Improving Your Divine Guidance | Divine Healing Hands

To be able to confidently receive Divine guidance is a tremendous gift. After all, how are we to ever really serve our purpose without Divine guidance?

The teaching of Master Sha is very clear. The purpose of life is to serve. To serve is to make others healthier and happier.

How can we fulfill our purpose? We can learn the soul secrets, wisdom and practical techniques to bring us into alignment with our soul, with the Divine, and with our Divine purpose.

One of the most important aspects of learning how to serve is learning how to communicate with our own soul and with Heaven to receive their guidance. Without a reliable way of receiving soul guidance, we can get lost. We could have a difficult time. We cannot move forward solely through our reasoning, hard work, or our adherence to perceptions of right and wrong. The pathway is through the heart and soul. And the way to grow is to follow your soul and follow Heaven's calling and guidance for you.

How will we do this?

Improve your Alignment with Divine Guidance | Divine Healing Hands
Most of us on a conscious spiritual path have developed some way to tune in and get help. As Divine Soul Healers, we receive a Divine Pendulum transmission and are taught to open our spiritual channels for communication with Heaven and the soul world.

This territory can have its challenges. We are called to purify our hearts and channels deeply. We will be challenged in our guidance and in our response to it (will we listen? will we follow? will we even ask?).

There are often karma blockages associated with spiritual channels and guidance. This can be purified (Divine Healing Hands can help!). Here are some ideas for anyone seeking to improve their Divine guidance system, including their use of Divine Pendulum and other channels.

1. Do regular forgiveness practice for this area of life and service. You can even do a forgiveness practice with your Divine Pendulum and your spiritual channels. Connect with them, with Heaven and with all souls who have been affected by any mistakes you or your ancestors have made in this regard.

2. Practice using Divine Guidance. Connect with Divine or Heaven's team daily at least once, preferably more often, to ask for their guidance, a message, or even just their love. Take a moment to really receive. Be sure to only ask what you are willing to receive and follow, and to remember the guidance. Write it down if necessary.

3. Give healing blessings to yourself to clear blockages in accurately receiving and following Divine guidance. Invoke Divine Healing Hands prior to seeking Divine guidance to heal disharmonies within. You can give a soul order to all layers of your soul, heart, mind and body to align with Divine/Divine pendulum/Divine guidance and then give a healing blessing to remove blockages.

4. Always connect from your heart and soul with the Divine for guidance. Using the Soul Light Era Hand Position really helps. If you place your hands in traditional prayer position right in front of your Message Center (Heart Chakra), then drop your left hand to face the center of your chest while the right hand remains in traditional prayer position on it's own, you are in the Soul Light Era position. It will activate your Heart Chakra and connect you with the Heavens.

5. Give love and gratitude to Divine often and thank Divine for everything. Gratitude increases humility and so many positive outcomes. A grateful heart is an open heart. An open heart is one that can receive the messages of the soul world and Divine Pendulum.

Here is a practice you can do that incorporates many of these suggestions:

Body Power: Sit up straight and put your hands in the Soul Light Era Hand Position, described above.

Soul Power - Say Hello invocation:

Dear Divine and dear all my spiritual mothers and fathers,
Dear Heaven, Mother Earth, humanity and all souls,
I love, honor and appreciate you all.
I deeply apologize for any and all times I or my ancestors have made mistakes in seeking, receiving, revealing or implementing Divine guidance.
I would be so grateful for your forgiveness.
And I forgive any soul who has anything to do with any blockages of this nature in my being.
I love you.
Thank you.

Dear all levels of my soul, heart, mind and body,
I love you.
You have the power to align with my Divine Pendulum/Divine soul guidance
My Soul Orders you to align now
Thank you.

Dear my Divine Healing Hands (Dear Divine, if you are not a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer),
I love, honor and appreciate you so much.
You have the power to heal blockages in my alignment with Divine guidance.
Please offer the appropriate healing now.
I am so grateful.
Thank you.

Mind Power: See golden light filling your torso, Message Center and spiritual channels.

Sound Power: Chant any Divine mantra you wish for the duration of the blessing. For example, you can chant, "Divine Healing Hands/Divine heals my alignment with Divine guidance. Thank you."

Improve your Alignment with Divine Guidance | Divine Healing Hands
Chant for as long as you wish.

We hope this blog entry is helpful to many of you who wish to improve your relationship with Divine guidance.

Remember, practice makes perfect!

With greatest love,

Your Divine Healing Hands Team

5 Keys to Improving Your Divine Guidance | Divine Healing Hands


  1. Beautiful Reminder. Thank you so much for your unconditional service.
    Da Gan En for you Da Fu Wu
    LY LY LY

  2. Thank you, Master David. I am very grateful for your teaching. Da Ai

  3. This is what I need I am so grateful. Thank you for sharing dear Master David. Love you

  4. Thank you for this amazing blog and practice. My heart feels more open after this practice and i feel more aligned with the Divine.
    Love you <3


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