How to Become a Grateful Person | Tao Hands

Research has shown that gratitude is a necessary ingredient for happiness and leads to many, many life benefits. It also shows that gratitude can be developed with practice. So, why is gratitude still lacking, or hard to come by for many?

Gratitude may seem to elude some people who may even feel incapable of genuine gratitude, but this is not true! It is just a blockage. Anyone and everyone can learn gratitude. But for some, it will take discipline and practice. The good news is that the prognosis is very promising!

Research shows that the biggest impediments to gratitude are associated with self importance. For example, being self-absorbed can prevent us from noticing or recognizing the blessings and the gifts we are constantly being given. Even if someone does us a favor, we may thank them, but move back into our self concern quickly, spending little time in appreciation. This type of existence snow balls and gratitude becomes a distant and infrequent visitor.

Many people who have difficulty with gratitude feel entitled in life, like life owes them something. With this orientation, its hard to develop gratitude because nothing is perceived as a gift!

So how can we move toward gratitude when it is so foreign? Some people may need lots of support. Practice is essential. Soul Blessings coupled with soulful practice is a winning combination. We need to get help to release the soul blockages that keep these painful patterns in place.

Here is a program that you may find useful:

1.  Every day, no matter what, start and end your day with a note of gratitude. This could be in a journal, or bowing down to the floor and saying thank you, or a silent prayer upon rising and retiring. Physical action is recommended, however, to create and support the discipline. You can start with statements like, "Thank you for this day" or "I am grateful for my partner/mother/son, etc.".  Once you get going, you will likely start adding more, and that's the point! Gratitude yields more gratitude!

(If one is dealing with big blockages and finds this difficult, do it anyway. It might be disingenuous initially. That's OK. Do it anyway. If it ends up bringing up irritation or even anger, this is your opportunity to heal! Employ soulful practices on the spot. See many of our blog entries or any of Master Sha's books for help, or comment here).

2.  Throughout your day, say "thank you" often. If the day escapes you and you realize you haven't done this, put physical reminders in place, such as signs in your car, office and home, or set your phone or watch timer for three different times of the day and when they ring, find a reason to say "thank you". Say it out loud if at all possible. You can even thank your computer, or the office, or the apple you're eating.

3.  Do one soulful practice or Tao Hands Blessing a day, for removing blockages to your gratitude and developing or nourishing gratitude. This could be a forgiveness practice coupled with chanting and the Four Powers to remove blockages and bring in divine frequency of gratitude, or Tao Hands blessing.

4.  As you grow in gratitude, see if you can spend longer periods of time experiencing gratitude. Chant Divine gratitude or Da Gan En - Greatest Gratitude. What you chant is what you become!

Gratitude is a key to success in life and on the spiritual journey. Master Sha says growth and progress are very slow without gratitude, so its worth your time and attention to develop gratitude. Plus, it leads to so many positive outcomes!

We are honored to be a part of your gratitude development. We will see you on the happier, healthier side of life!

With greatest love,

Your Tao Hands Team


  1. TY so much DHH team. I've saved this practice in a Word doc and will post reminders to do this practice every day. LYLYLY TYTYTY CBD CBD CBD

    1. You are most welcome, Gloria! TYTYTY. LYLYLY. CBD CBD CBD

  2. Replies
    1. You're welcome. It's our honor! Thank you for reading the blog.

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this very important information that I will share with all of my clients, family and friends.
    As a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer, I am honored and grateful to be able to share my Divine love and light to all humanity, animals and Mother Earth.
    Many blessings to all.
    With love, Donna Muccino

    1. We are so happy for your honor and gratitude as a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer. To share is to serve. Thank you for your love and gratitude.

  4. Your article is awesome and it will help a lot.Thanks for sharing it.
    Soul of transformation

    1. Dear Nancy, thank you for your feedback. We are so happy this has helped you! Many blessings to you. Divine Healing Hands Team.


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