"What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul."
–Jewish proverb
Sadness and grief are emotions that all "normal" human beings experience in their lives. There are many types of loss that may trigger episodes of grief or sadness. The key is to be able to embrace and process these feelings as they arise, instead of avoiding or repressing them.
At times we may have witnessed ourselves or others become busy or otherwise distracted in order to avoid feelings of grief or sadness over the loss of a loved one, a job, a relationship or more. But there is wisdom in greeting the sadness, for it has a message that once received, may enable us to move on.
Even so, most of us have repressed feelings of sadness and grief, and we are likely to also carry karma blockages related to sadness and grief in our souls, hearts, minds and bodies. Thus, we are blessed to have a framework and tools to help us greet and transform our sadness and grief.
According to Five Elements Theory, blockages of sadness and grief would be held in the Metal Element, and more primarily, in the lungs. In addition to the lungs, the Metal Element includes the large intestine, the whole body's skin, and the nose. The balanced emotion is courage. You can remember this by realizing that it takes courage to feel your sadness and grief. To do so also develops courage.
Let's engage in a Soulful Practice to balance the Metal Element, release sadness and grief and develop courage.
Body Power
Sit straight and place one palm on the lower abdomen or ming men point (directly across from the navel on the backside) and one palm on the lung area.
Soul Power
Dear Divine and Tao,
I love, honor and appreciate you.
You have the power to heal and bless my Metal Element and lungs, to remove blockages associated with sadness and grief and to develop my courage.
Please bless my my Metal Element as I practice.
Thank you.
Dear my beloved Metal Element, lungs and all blockages related to the unbalanced emotion of sadness and grief.
I love you.
You have the power to heal and balance yourselves and to increase your courage.
Do a good job.
Thank you.
Dear all the souls who have been hurt or harmed in association with these blockages.
I am deeply sorry.
Please forgive my ancestors and me for our mistakes.
I am very grateful.
I forgive you and all souls who may have harmed me.
Let us release one another in Love Peace and Harmony,, and in courage.
Dear Tao Hands,
I love you.
Please offer an appropriate blessing to my Metal Element.
Thank you. I'm very grateful.
Mind Power
Visualize beautiful white light filling your lungs. Imagine courage shining in and blockages transforming to create happy, healthy lungs.
Sound Power
Chant two mantras. First chant the Tao Song Mantra for the Metal Element (found in Tao Song Tao Dance book) and then chant the Divine Courage mantra:
Sheng Ya You Tao
Sheng Ya You Tao
Sheng Ya You Tao
Sheng Ya You Tao
Sheng Ya You Tao...
Divine Courage
Divine Courage
Divine Courage
Divine Courage....
To finish, say, "Hao. Hao. Hao. (perfect; get well). Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."
Wonderful. Develop your courage. Let go of your sadness and grief, but honor it in the process. Remember Master Sha's wisdom. Everything has a soul, even grief. It carries a purpose and a message. If we can honor and benefit from the message, we can heal it and transform it.
Thank you for tuning in today. We look forward to sharing the last of this series on the Water Element next.
With great love,
Tao Hands Team
–Jewish proverb
Sadness and grief are emotions that all "normal" human beings experience in their lives. There are many types of loss that may trigger episodes of grief or sadness. The key is to be able to embrace and process these feelings as they arise, instead of avoiding or repressing them.
At times we may have witnessed ourselves or others become busy or otherwise distracted in order to avoid feelings of grief or sadness over the loss of a loved one, a job, a relationship or more. But there is wisdom in greeting the sadness, for it has a message that once received, may enable us to move on.
Even so, most of us have repressed feelings of sadness and grief, and we are likely to also carry karma blockages related to sadness and grief in our souls, hearts, minds and bodies. Thus, we are blessed to have a framework and tools to help us greet and transform our sadness and grief.
According to Five Elements Theory, blockages of sadness and grief would be held in the Metal Element, and more primarily, in the lungs. In addition to the lungs, the Metal Element includes the large intestine, the whole body's skin, and the nose. The balanced emotion is courage. You can remember this by realizing that it takes courage to feel your sadness and grief. To do so also develops courage.
Let's engage in a Soulful Practice to balance the Metal Element, release sadness and grief and develop courage.
Body Power
Sit straight and place one palm on the lower abdomen or ming men point (directly across from the navel on the backside) and one palm on the lung area.
Soul Power
Dear Divine and Tao,
I love, honor and appreciate you.
You have the power to heal and bless my Metal Element and lungs, to remove blockages associated with sadness and grief and to develop my courage.
Please bless my my Metal Element as I practice.
Thank you.
Dear my beloved Metal Element, lungs and all blockages related to the unbalanced emotion of sadness and grief.
I love you.
You have the power to heal and balance yourselves and to increase your courage.
Do a good job.
Thank you.
Dear all the souls who have been hurt or harmed in association with these blockages.
I am deeply sorry.
Please forgive my ancestors and me for our mistakes.
I am very grateful.
I forgive you and all souls who may have harmed me.
Let us release one another in Love Peace and Harmony,, and in courage.
Dear Tao Hands,
I love you.
Please offer an appropriate blessing to my Metal Element.
Thank you. I'm very grateful.
Mind Power
Visualize beautiful white light filling your lungs. Imagine courage shining in and blockages transforming to create happy, healthy lungs.
Sound Power
Chant two mantras. First chant the Tao Song Mantra for the Metal Element (found in Tao Song Tao Dance book) and then chant the Divine Courage mantra:
Sheng Ya You Tao
Sheng Ya You Tao
Sheng Ya You Tao
Sheng Ya You Tao
Sheng Ya You Tao...
Divine Courage
Divine Courage
Divine Courage
Divine Courage....
To finish, say, "Hao. Hao. Hao. (perfect; get well). Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."
Wonderful. Develop your courage. Let go of your sadness and grief, but honor it in the process. Remember Master Sha's wisdom. Everything has a soul, even grief. It carries a purpose and a message. If we can honor and benefit from the message, we can heal it and transform it.
Thank you for tuning in today. We look forward to sharing the last of this series on the Water Element next.
With great love,
Tao Hands Team
Feels good!... love you Master Sha