Letting Go of Fear in Favor of Peace and Calm - The Water Element | Tao Hands

It has been said that fear and love are the only two fundamental emotions and that all forms of the "unhealthy" emotions are based in fear.

The presence of fear in our lives can be debilitating.

Most of us know about the fight or flight response and how it used to serve us well when we met up with real life threatening situations in our past ..... but now we have evolved into a different sort of existence, and different levels of fear and related emotions are often nearly constant companions, along with the effects of the stress it causes.

Some people say the only way to heal fear is to face that which you fear. We find that we can facilitate this process, if not make an even larger impact on transforming fear, by learning the Five Elements theory and applying Soul Mind Body Medicine and Soulful practices to help release blockages associated with fear and actively develop peace and calm.

In Five Elements Theory, fear is stored in the kidneys, the lead organ of the Water Element. The Water Element also includes the urinary bladder, the whole body bones, ears, hearing and the balanced emotion of peace and calm. When we experience fear, or if we are prone to being fearful, this theory suggests that we have blockages in our kidneys and Water Element. We can directly work to remove these blockages while we engage in other efforts to release (or face) our fears.

Let us do a practice now, to release fear and develop peace and calm in our Water Element, therefore balancing our Water Element.

Body Power
Sit straight and place one palm on the lower abdomen and one palm on the Kidney area (mid-lower back, left or right of center).

Soul Power
Dear Divine and Tao,
I love, honor and appreciate you.
You have the power to heal and bless my Water Element and kidneys, to remove blockages associated with fear and develop my peace and calmness.
Please bless my my Water Element as I practice.
Thank you.

Dear my beloved Water Element, kidneys and all blockages related to the unbalanced emotion of fear.
I love you.
You have the power to heal and balance yourselves and to increase your peace and calmness.
Do a good job.
Thank you.

Dear all the souls who have been hurt or harmed in association with these blockages.
I am deeply sorry.
Please forgive my ancestors and me for our mistakes.
I am very grateful.
I forgive you and all souls who may have harmed me.
Let us release one another in Love Peace and Harmony, in peace and calmness.

Dear Tao Hands,
I love you.
Please offer an appropriate blessing to my Water Element.
Thank you. I'm very grateful.

Mind Power
Visualize beautiful light filling your kidneys. Imagine them being enveloped in the greatest love and coming into a safe, peaceful and calm condition.

Sound Power
Chant two mantras. First chant the Tao Song Mantra for the Water Element (found in Tao Song Tao Dance book) and then chant the Divine Peace and Calmness mantra:
Yu Ya You Tao
Yu Ya You Tao
YuYa You Tao
Yu Ya You Tao
Yu Ya You Tao...

Divine Peace and Calmness
Divine Peace and Calmness
Divine Peace and Calmness
Divine Peace and Calmness....

To finish, say, "Hao. Hao. Hao. (perfect; get well). Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

Imagine experiencing peace and calm in place fear. The more we practice "Say Hello", Forgiveness, and Divine and Tao Mantras, the more we can move in this direction.

We're so delighted to share this wisdom today.

With great love,

