The Zu Qiao Energy Center and Your Mind Power

Another of the five key energy centers Master Sha teaches about is the Zu Qiao. It is less well known than the other energy centers, but still very important to our lives.

What and Where is the Zu Qiao?
The Zu Qiao is the key energy center for developing the power of the mind and is located inside the bone cavity, behind the Yin Tang acupuncture point, which is between your eyebrows. It is roughly the size of a cherry.

You may often hear statistics about how many brain cells we have (about 15 billion) and that we typically use only a small percentage of them (10 - 15%). That leaves 85 - 90% of your brain cells dormant. Master Sha calls them potential cells. He says that developing these potential cells is one of the major tasks of the twenty-first century. The Zu Qiao is the energy center that supports the development of the potential power of the brain and mind.

How Can We Develop the Zu Qiao and our Mind Power?
(This practice is taken from the Soul Mind Body Medicine book, page 316-317)

Body Power
Face the palm of your Near Hand to the Yin Tang acupuncture point between your eye brows (about 4 - 7 inches away). Hold the palm of your Far Hand a few inches in front of the Near Hand. Alternate if you get tired. (This body power will stimulate cellular vibration in the Zu Qiao and the palms, back and forth, having a constant stimulating effect).

Soul Power - Say Hello
Dear soul, mind and body of my Zu Qiao,
Dear soul, mind and body of my hands,
Dear soul mind and body of  yi (Chinese number 1),
Dear soul, mind and body of universal light,
I love you.
Please build the power of my Zu Qiao.
I am very honored and blessed.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Sound Power
Chant the number one, yi, in Chinese (pronounced "ee"). "Ee" vibrates the entire head and brain, including the Zu Qiao.

Mind Power
Visualize the brightest light radiating in the Zu Qiao area. Visualize the light pouring into the Zu Qiao area from the entire universe. The light concentrates into a ball. Concentrate this light ball further. Condense this light ball. Increase the density of this ball, making it brighter and brighter.

Do this exercise for at least seven minutes each day, the longer, the better.


Let us develop our Zu Qiao and Mind Power better, so we can be better servants.

Thank you!

With great love,

Your Tao Hands Team.
