Letting Go of Anger - Balancing the Wood Element | Tao Hands

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone; you are the one who gets burned. ~ Buddha.

Anger is an emotion that we want to recognize and handle appropriately, or it can cause significant disharmony in one's life. The Wood Element in the human body, most specifically the liver as the lead organ, may carry soul mind body blockages that can be triggered by life's circumstances and experienced as anger. The good news is that we can implement Five Elements theory and Soul Mind Body Medicine to maintain alignment of the soul, heart, mind and body and balance the Wood Element, so we can experience balanced, harmonious emotions.

Everyone and Everything has a Soul.
According to Master Sha's teaching, everything, including anger, has a soul and it wants to serve. In the field of psychology, anger is known to have the effect of numbing or helping us avoid our pain. We get angry when we don't want to (or can't) feel the feelings that would make us more vulnerable. Thus, anger helps us do that.

Anger is often an ego response. Something has offended us and we feel disrespected or worse. The anger can temporarily boost our energy and confidence and may give us feelings of power. However, given that we are in ego and are out of balance in this experience, our actions in this context are often not in our best interest. In short, many of us would like to have tools that help us avoid "wrong action" and transform the root, so we can act in peace, clarity and integrity. This is our purpose here.

Is there a Positive Side to Anger?
Master Sha's teaching is also that there is a yin and yang to everything. It's worth noting that current research suggests that there can be a real upside to anger when it is mild or moderate and is recognized and channeled appropriately. It is shown to fuel the creative side of the brain and stimulate brain storming for solutions, for example. It can motivate us to find a way through, or to change ourselves and our circumstances. Perhaps you have had the experience yourself, which resulted in a positive outcome in your life. The key point here is balance!

What Can We Do to Create Balance and Harmony in the Wood Element?
If we can maintain alignment in our souls, hearts, minds and bodies, and balance in our Wood Element, we are less likely to experience the imbalances of various forms of anger, or if we do, we are more likely to recognize it and transform its negative aspects and channel its positive aspects. We have the power to balance the emotion of anger that creates unwanted outcomes!

The Wood Element in the human body, includes the liver, gallbladder, eyes, and tendons and connects with anger in the emotional body. As mentioned, we may have soul, heart, mind and body blockages in the Wood Element related to our experiences of anger in various forms, from irritability and impatience all the way to moments of rage.

Here is a way to maintain balance in your emotional body and Wood Element:

Body Power
Sit straight and place one palm on the lower abdomen or ming men point (directly across from the navel on the backside) and one palm on the liver.

Soul Power
Dear Divine and Tao,
I love, honor and appreciate you.
You have the power to heal and bless my Wood Element and liver, to remove blockages associated with anger.
Please bless my my Wood Element and Liver as I practice.
Thank you.

Dear my beloved Wood Element, liver and all blockages related to the unbalanced emotion of anger.
I love you.
You have the power to heal and balance yourselves.
Do a good job.
Thank you.

Dear all the souls who have been hurt or harmed in association with these blockages.
I am deeply sorry.
Please forgive my ancestors and me for our mistakes.
I am very grateful.
I forgive you and all souls who may have harmed me.
Let us release one another in Love Peace and Harmony.

Dear Tao Hands (for Tao Hands Practitioners),
I love you.
Please offer an appropriate blessing to my Wood Element and liver.
Thank you. I'm very grateful.

Mind Power
Visualize beautiful light filling your liver and your body. Imagine anger blockages melting and transforming and your liver is big, bright, smiling and happy.

Sound Power
Chant Love Peace and Harmony
(find it at www.LovePeaceHarmony.Org/Resources)

You can also chant the Tao Song Mantras for the Wood Element (found the Tao Song Tao Dance book):
Jiao Ya You Tao
Jiao Ya You Tao
Jiao Ya You Tao
Jiao Ya You Tao
Jiao Ya You Tao....

or the sound: Jiao over and over again.

When you are done, close your practice with "Hao. Hao. Hao. (perfect, get well). Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.

This type of practice is powerful because it:
  1. Connects with the souls involved and sends them great love and light, 
  2. Leads one to ask for and offer forgiveness for the past, which is the key to self-clearing unpleasant karma, which is the root cause of anger and associated blockages 
  3. Utilizes Four Powers that are all focused on nourishing good health and releasing negative messages and energy and 
  4. Calls on Divine and Tao power and brings in the Divine frequency of Love Peace and Harmony.

Truly it is an amazing practice. If you try it you will see. Do it when you are feeling irritable or angry. Do it daily if you have issues with anger.

Thank you for the opportunity to share this wisdom.

With great love,

The Tao Hands Team
