Lower Dan Tian - What is it?
The Lower Dan Tian is a fist sized energy center that sits inside the lower abdomen. More specifically, it sits 1.5 cun below the navel (cun is a Chinese measurement that is the width of one's thumb) and 2.5 cun inside the body. It houses our postnatal chi, which gives us our energy, stamina, vitality and immunity. It is the key for good health, longevity and rejuvenation. Therefore to have a strong Lower Dan Tian energy center is vital to our overall health and well-being and keeps us grounded, balanced and centered to support mental clarity and more.
There are many things that can deplete or weaken our Lower Dan Tian, which then may have the effect of reducing our energy, stamina, vitality and immunity. In fact, it is important for practitioners to replenish this energy regularly. Also, many types of malaise and even some chronic health conditions may be relieved or improved by strengthening the Lower Dan Tian energy center.
The Good News
The super good news is that no matter what the current condition of one's Lower Dan Tian is, it can be nourished, strengthened and developed with regular practices such as we will share here. You can once again feel strong, balanced, energetic and clear!
The Four Power Techniques
Master Sha teaches us the Four Power Techniques to nourish, strengthen, balance or transform any aspect of life. They are:
- Body Power - where you put your hands (and how you hold your body) is where you receive the benefits of the practice
- Mind Power - where you put your mind, with creative visualization, is where you receive the benefits of the practice
- Sound Power - what you chant is what you become; the use of sacred tones and mantras that bring a high frequency and vibration to the area of your practice
- Soul Power - to connect with or apply the Say Hello formula to outer souls, such as the saints and holy beings, the Divine, the ocean or mountains, and more, for blessings, and inner souls, such as our organs, systems, body parts and conditions, to receive nourishment, blessings and transformation.
Nourish Your Lower Dan Tian
Let us utilize these four powers to nourish, empower and strengthen our Lower Dan Tian Energy Centers.
Body Power
Please stand with your feet shoulder length apart and knees slightly bent (soft knees versus locked). If you need/want to sit, please sit with your back away from the chair if able. Place your hands in the Yin Yang Hand Position, which is to grab your left thumb with your right hand and make a fist around it, holding it to about 80 - 85% of your strength. Wrap your left hand around your right fist. Then place your yin yang hands over your Lower Dan Tian, just below the navel and approximately 2 inches inside the body. If you place your right knuckle in your navel and roll your yin yang palm down, you will be right on top your Lower Dan Tian. If you wish to lie down, you can follow this direction for your hand position and do the practice silently.
Soul Power
Say Hello to outer and inner souls like this:
Dear Divine and Tao,
Dear my Heaven's Team,
Dear golden light,
I love you, honor and appreciate you.
You have the power to nourish and strengthen my Lower Dan Tian.
Please nourish and strengthen my Lower Dan Tian as I practice.
Thank you so much.
Dear my Lower Dan Tian
I love, honor and appreciate you.
You have the power to boost yourself, to be nourished and strengthened.
Do a good job.
Please fully open to receive the blessings of this practice.
Thank you.
For Tao Hands Practitioners:
Dear my Tao Hands,
I love you, honor and appreciate you.
You have the power to nourish and strengthen my Lower Dan Tian.
Please turn on and nourish and strengthen my Lower Dan Tian as I practice.
I am so grateful.
Thank you.
Mind Power
Visualize beautiful golden light filling your Lower Dan Tian; see your Lower Dan Tian expanding and contracting and being nourished with the light.
Sound Power
Chant silently or aloud (silently if you are lying down) the following:
Golden Light
Golden Light
Golden Light....
Golden Light boosts my Lower Dan Tian
Golden Light boosts my Lower Dan Tian
Golden Light boosts my Lower Dan Tian...
Divine and Tao heal and bless my Lower Dan Tian
Divine and Tao heal and bless my Lower Dan Tian
Divine and Tao heal and bless my Lower Dan Tian...
When you have chanted a while, you can close with, "Hao. Hao. Hao. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."
These practices can be done daily for 15 minutes or more to strengthen your foundation, which can truly change your life. If dealing with a condition of fatigue or many other possible conditions, begin with as much as you can and increase the practice until you can do 1/2 hour or more a day. Most people find this provides significant support to their healing efforts.
We are so blessed to have these simple, straightforward and powerful practices based on profound wisdom and soul secrets to enhance our lives, our health, relationships and more. We encourage you to begin this practice if you have not already, for great support during these challenging times on Mother Earth. Let us know here how you feel after just one or two weeks of regular practice!
Thank you for tuning in to our blog today.
With great love,
Your Tao Hands Team
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