Beloved Mother Earth is our home and we honor her on Earth Day, April 22.
She provides us with all that we need to sustain our lives. She holds and nourishes us, unconditionally and totally, even when we may not appreciate, acknowledge or care for her. She has served countless universes for ions and is a guiding light for many souls.
We are now at a critical time in history. Many experts say action must be taken now to save our planet and ourselves. We need to love, honor and take care of our planet and each other.
Make Better Choices
Everyday, we can make better choices. Many small changes can make a big difference, if we all implement them. If we just become more aware and live from this place of awareness, choosing sustainable options over habits of "convenience". Everyone can choose more and more ways to help Mother Earth. Things like using less electricity by using different light bulbs or turning out lights more, or keeping the thermostat higher or lower. We can reduce our use of fossil fuels by walking, riding bikes. using public transports, car-pooling or purchasing automobiles that run differently. We can omit unnecessary plastics and use sustainable products instead. The list goes on and on.
One of the best ways to make and support change, however, is to work at the soul level. First, we can change ourselves. Then we serve as a beacon of light as we serve our community, humanity, Mother Earth and all souls at the soul level. This will translate to changes in consciousness and behavior. This is the way of Soulfulness.
Chanting Love Peace and Harmony
Love Peace and Harmony is a beautiful song that can bless humanity and Mother Earth. Master Sha received this song from the Divine in Sept, 2005. Since then, he has taught it everywhere he goes. The song carries a very high frequency and vibration. The message is one of loving ourselves and humanity, and joining hearts and souls together in love, peace and harmony.
Master Sha's One-Sentence-Secret for Sound Power is that "What you chant is what you become." When we sing this song, we become Love Peace and Harmony. And research demonstrates that when people gather in groups to meditate and chant, it can have beneficial results for the entire community. This is a song of service that can truly have a significant impact on the world. As more and more people sing it daily, more changes can be practiced and sustained. People who chant this song regularly report that it helps them maintain happier, healthier lives. Here is a beautiful video:
The full version of the CD can be downloaded at LovePeaceHarmony.Org/Resources. We'd like to invite everyone to chant this song daily, for 15 minutes or more.
It is time for us to act. In addition to all the things we need to change, chanting this song can help us align with and become love peace and harmony, spreading that vibration out to our communities and the world.
Join us if you will. We are very grateful to share this practice for sustaining and supporting our beloved Mother Earth, who sustains and supports us at all times.
With greatest love,
Your Tao Hands Team.
She provides us with all that we need to sustain our lives. She holds and nourishes us, unconditionally and totally, even when we may not appreciate, acknowledge or care for her. She has served countless universes for ions and is a guiding light for many souls.
We are now at a critical time in history. Many experts say action must be taken now to save our planet and ourselves. We need to love, honor and take care of our planet and each other.
Make Better Choices
Everyday, we can make better choices. Many small changes can make a big difference, if we all implement them. If we just become more aware and live from this place of awareness, choosing sustainable options over habits of "convenience". Everyone can choose more and more ways to help Mother Earth. Things like using less electricity by using different light bulbs or turning out lights more, or keeping the thermostat higher or lower. We can reduce our use of fossil fuels by walking, riding bikes. using public transports, car-pooling or purchasing automobiles that run differently. We can omit unnecessary plastics and use sustainable products instead. The list goes on and on.
One of the best ways to make and support change, however, is to work at the soul level. First, we can change ourselves. Then we serve as a beacon of light as we serve our community, humanity, Mother Earth and all souls at the soul level. This will translate to changes in consciousness and behavior. This is the way of Soulfulness.
Chanting Love Peace and Harmony
Love Peace and Harmony is a beautiful song that can bless humanity and Mother Earth. Master Sha received this song from the Divine in Sept, 2005. Since then, he has taught it everywhere he goes. The song carries a very high frequency and vibration. The message is one of loving ourselves and humanity, and joining hearts and souls together in love, peace and harmony.
The full version of the CD can be downloaded at LovePeaceHarmony.Org/Resources. We'd like to invite everyone to chant this song daily, for 15 minutes or more.
It is time for us to act. In addition to all the things we need to change, chanting this song can help us align with and become love peace and harmony, spreading that vibration out to our communities and the world.
Join us if you will. We are very grateful to share this practice for sustaining and supporting our beloved Mother Earth, who sustains and supports us at all times.
With greatest love,
Your Tao Hands Team.
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