In truth, it is difficult to define love, and most of what we describe as love may not be rooted in "true love," which is unconditional in nature. Forms of "love" that depend on circumstances or that come and go are not "true love." True love is an enduring expression.
Self-love is a great endeavor to help us learn and awaken our unconditional love. If it's true that we can only give away what we already possess, then maybe the saying is true that we can only love others as much as we love ourselves. So in this way, self-love is a good step toward all love.
The good news is that love (true love) is always available to us! It's available from our soul, from Heaven, from the Divine and awakened ones in our lives. The issue is one of our availability. Learning to receive this unconditional love is actually learning to love ourselves. It leads to more acts of love and more love flowing. And when we can give unconditional love, we are in the experience of unconditional love and we are therefore also receiving.
We are all learning self-love. Loving yourself means you can put your feelings and needs before others when appropriate, finding yourself worthy and deserving of your care. It also means that you can put others first and feel the love you are offering them as nourishment yourself. Loving yourself is having the courage to feel your feelings without judgment; to be able to hold and comfort yourself when you are sad, or angry, or lonely. Loving yourself is to honor your soul by listening and following it's guidance.
Let us practice for self-love now.
Body Power. Sit up straight, with your back away from the chair if that is comfortable and your feet flat on the ground. You may also sit in lotus or half lotus or cross legged with your back straight. Place one palm on your lower abdomen, below the navel, and one palm on your heart.
Soul Power - Say Hello.
Dear Divine,
Dear my Heaven's team,
Dear my soul,
I love you, honor and appreciate you.
You have the power to remove my blockages to self-love
You have the power to shower me with your love,
Please remove my self-love challenges and shower me with your love,
Thank you.
Mind Power. Visualize beautiful golden light or any color light throughout your heart and Message Center/Heart Chakra. See all kinds of holy beings and the Divine nourishing you with their love and light. Visualize what you would be like if you loved yourself totally.
Sound Power. Chant silently or aloud, for as long as you wish:
Heaven loves me and I receive Heaven's love now.
Heaven loves me and I receive Heaven's love now.
Heaven loves me and I receive Heaven's love now.
Close with Hao. Hao. Hao. (perfect, get well). Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Buddha is noted to have said: You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."
Let us develop our self-love, so we can be free of the parameters of conditional love and receive and offer love unconditionally. Let us give ourselves what we seek outside ourselves the most. Once we learn that the Divine and our own soul can be our best friend, our guiding light, our cheerleader, our supporter and more, we will have everything we need, and more than enough to give.
We are so honored if we have served you well.
With greatest love,
Your Tao Hands Team.
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