Divine Alignment through Song and Dance | Tao Hands

There is a lot of support for how music can help us connect with the higher realms. Plato, for example, felt music was a means to develop our souls. He said, "Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, fight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything."

Sufi master, Hazrat Inayat Khan said, "There is no better way of getting closer to God, of rising higher towards the spirit, of attaining spiritual perfection than music, if only it is rightly understood."

And clergyman William P. Merrill said, "There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is."

Master Marzena Preis sings Tao Song
Likewise, song and dance are doorways to higher levels of consciousness and connection with the soul. Well chosen music, song and dance can absolutely bring us into higher vibrational states. But what if we could bring the music, song or dance directly from our soul, or from our connection with the Divine or Tao?

Some would claim that all song and dance come from the soul. To tune into that special inner realm that helps you move to the music or sing with all your heart and soul is definitely coming from somewhere other than our rational mind. However, depending on our state of consciousness, the frequency and vibration of the music, and the implicit or explicit "goals" of the singing and dancing, we can experience many outcomes. With the proper training and wisdom, we can connect more and more purely with our beloved souls (and with the Divine, for example), to emit songs and movements that are steeped in divine soul essence!

So we will speak here of Soul Song and Dance and Tao Song and Tao Dance!

What is Soul Song? It is the actual song of the soul. Each soul has it's own language (Soul Language) and song (Soul Song). Every soul speaks and sings this way. Most human beings have lost contact with this true universal language, but you can reconnect with it, and doing so enriches your life tremendously!

When we tap into and release our Soul Language and Soul Song, we are emitting the purest essence of our soul. This brings many benefits, including that it helps us embody our soul's frequencies so as to be more aligned with our souls. This is a huge blessing, because our soul is the boss of our life. We need to know our souls. We need to listen to our souls. One of the best ways to do so is to bring out our Soul Language and Soul Song.

Master Mirva offers her Tao Dance
Soul Song and Soul Dance are soul guided and soul directed song and movement. This means that we surrender to our soul and let our soul sing and dance through our physical being. If we surrender to our soul for singing, we may hear a very different kind of voice. If we surrender to our soul for dancing, we may move in a very unique way.

Each Soul Song and Soul Dance serves a purpose. We can ask our Soul Song and Soul Dance to help us with any life issue. If we ask our souls to dance for joy, we can experience a joyful movement. If we ask our souls to dance for good health, we may experience a different type of movement. Our souls will show us how we need to move to help loosen and release blockages, while bringing us into higher states of consciousness, into higher frequencies and vibrations of love, forgiveness and compassion, and more.

Tao Song and Tao Dance is song and dance that flows from a connection with Tao. Through soulful practice and training, we can develop our Tao Song and Tao Dance channels. This increases the frequency and vibration of our soul song and dance, which can help us sustain many benefits in our lives.

We hope you are inspired by how song and dance can bring you into greater alignment with Divine and Tao to embody your true soul essence and power further and further!

With the greatest love,

Your Tao Hands Team

Some quotations were found at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/frank-fitzpatrick/music-spirituality_b_3203309.html.
