Be the Light | Tao Hands

Everyday, in every moment, we have a choice. What will we think? What will we speak? What will we see? And what will we do?

For example, two people pass by a homeless person who is begging on the street. Each may see this person very differently. How might you see this person?

When we stop to get our morning coffee, the person serving us may be having a bad day. What do we see? Someone who needs correcting or someone who needs love?

No matter what it is before us, we have a choice in our response. The choice with the most light takes practice. We can begin by simply noticing what choice we are making and realizing that there are other possibilities.

Everything we think say and do is important. We are becoming more and more transparent to one another, and more alert to the truth. It always did matter, and now we are being give the chance to really see how.

So the choice to "be the light" is an important one. How do we do this? We practice thinking, saying, doing things that are filled with light. We practice shining the light in the dark places. Like the lighthouse, just shine the light unconditionally.

Fortunately, Master Sha has given us many ways to shine the light - in exponentially more profound ways than we might have imagined. Here are a few:

1.  Join the Love Peace Harmony World Family and chant Love Peace and Harmony daily, at least 15 minutes or more. Love Peace and Harmony is a Divine Soul Song and Source Mantra that carries very high frequency and vibration. It has been transmitted to all souls. When we chant, we come into "the condition" of these frequencies and vibrations and we are literally turning the light on in all souls. It is a powerful way to serve and to heal and transform your life.

Please read more about the Divine Love Song of Love Peace and Harmony on Visit the Share Stories pages of that site to get ideas for how to put Love Peace and Harmony into action in your community. Spread the light of Love Peace and Harmony!

2.  Receive Divine and Tao permanent soul treasures from Master Sha or one of his Worldwide Representatives. If you are new you can also receive many Divine and Tao treasures from any number of Master Sha's books. For example, the books, Soul Mind Body Healing and Transmission System and Divine Transformation both offer quite a few Divine Treasures. These will help increase your frequency and vibration and they will shine Divine light inside and out!

Please learn how to heal and transform yourself and others with soul healing wisdom and Divine soul treasures. This will enable you to embody the light more and more, so you can help yourself and others more. And most of all, we invite you to apply and receive Divine Healing Hands, which will transform your life and your ability to shine the light tremendously! You can learn more at

3.  Practice Universal Forgiveness, which calls in all souls and spreads the light of a Divine mantra such as Love Peace and Harmony, God's Light, Shining Soul Light and more. Practice forgiveness for any specific challenge you have or any unpleasant circumstances. This enables you to transform negativity to light, therefore spreading more light while you heal and transform your life.

4.  Develop Divine and Tao qualities in your life, such as love, forgiveness, compassion and more. Master Sha provides lots of tools and techniques to help us embody these qualities more and more, and this blog has a few entries about such qualities. These pursuits will end up transforming your life and making you a happy,  healthy person. You will be able to radiate out more light in all your daily activities.

5. Learn and practice how to remain in the light when you are in difficult circumstances. This takes practice, but all the soul healing wisdom will help you. The key is to remember that everything is a gift, that the trying times are the times of greatest growth opportunity, and the Divine, your soul and your Heaven's team are on duty to make sure you get what you need for your highest good.

6. Finally, reach out for help when you need it. Everybody needs help now and then. We can receive light from others when we can't find it ourselves. What a blessing that is! You can always join the Chanting Channel for support. It's available 24/7 at

So let us all do our best to be the light and shine the light, unconditionally! We need it. Mother Earth needs it. The whole universe needs each one of us to shine brightly now.

With the greatest love,

Your Divine Healing Hands Team

Be the Light | Divine Healing Hands


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