Loving Relationships with our Homes, Cars and more | Divine Healing Hands

One of the things that Master Sha's soul healing awakens in us is a deeper connection of love, honor and respect for everyone and everything in our lives, including our home, cars, possessions and belongings. In fact, when we stop to consider that everyone and everything has a soul (and a soul journey), we are wise to learn proper care and responsibility.

Some of us are better at this than others! Some seem naturally to be more apt and willing to properly care for their belongings, while others may live in an imbalanced relationship with their "stuff", perhaps creating some challenges. It can be heart rendering to suddenly realize how we've treated other souls. At the same time, there's a lot to attend to in life on Mother Earth and we all have our priorities!

Life does become a bit more fascinating when we realize that everything has a soul. Our computer has a soul; the chair has a soul; and the grain of sand has a soul. These souls have a journey and like us, they can have soul blockages. We can assist and uplift them and our own journeys by including them in our soul healing. We can bless our homes, our cars, our personal property, etc. It is a beautiful way to serve these souls and of course, it will help them to continue to serve us better.

In the soul healing community it is not uncommon to hear of vehicles, water heaters, computers, and more coming out of malfunction with soul healing, and in particular, Divine Healing Hands Blessings. Divine Healing Hands will go into the soul and remove the blockages, as appropriate. Such blessings can definitely improve the longevity and quality of your home, appliances, automobiles and more. But it requires our intercession - we are the conduit.

We have put together some recommendations for you to expand soul healing to your environment and belongings:

1. When you wake in the morning, give your home a blessing. If you have Divine Healing Hands, invoke them to bless your home and help keep it filled with Divine love and light. If you do not have Divine Healing Hands, apply Divine soul healing by Saying Hello to your home, with love. Say Hello to your higher power, such as the Divine and your Heaven's team, and ask them to fill your home with love. Ask them to bless your home to be a happy home. Chant for your home.

2. As you drive to work or where ever you may go, give your car love and blessings in the same manner. Appreciate you car!

3. Do this for all the things in your life that you may tend to take for granted. Maybe for a period of time, you can bless a list of souls, including things like your stove or water heater, your computer, your phone, your favorite things that may be getting old and worn, etc. They will greatly appreciate this!

4. When you use anything, thank it and give it your love and appreciation. Bless it on the spot.

5. At the end of the day, give thanks again to all these souls and others you have encountered that day, sending love and blessings.

You can find the Say Hello formula and the Four Power Techniques in a large percentage of these blog posts and in any of Master Sha's books!

You can find out more about Divine Healing Hands by going to the website: www.DivineHealingHands.com.

You can learn more about all of this by joining the Chanting Channel at www.TV.DrSha.com anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

We are delighted to serve you.

Thank you.

Your Divine Healing Hands Team
