In life it's a good idea to be flexible - or at least to have that option! Flexibility affords us opportunities to see things differently and be more creative.
Flexible people are more willing to view problems and situations from multiple angles, being more receptive to incoming information that could change their plans. They are less attached to one way, one method, or one outcome and thus, they tend to experience less stress and better psychological health.
Flexibility is also touted as one of the more important qualities leaders need to be successful. In short, flexibility seems to be a virtuous attribute.
Interestingly, most people rate themselves as more flexible than they truly are. So what if we're not that flexible? And how can we become more flexible?
In addition to any other approach we may take, we can enhance flexibility by calling in our soul power and by using Divine Soul Healing. We can practice to heal the blockages to our flexibility. In other words, to increase flexibility we can work to heal the root causes of inflexibility.
Master Sha discusses flexibility briefly in the Soul Mind Body Healing and Transmission System book, on pages 179-181. He brings it up in regard to spiritual practice. His point is that flexibility in our practice is essential to succeed in our practice. Where, when, for how long and in what way we practice may change from day to day, but we must practice!
He also offers a powerful practice to develop flexibility which incorporates the Divine treasures one has received from the book. He warns us that purification is likely, because when we ask Heaven to remove our blockages to flexibility, things will shift in ways that bring us opportunities to change, which is not always comfortable!
We offer here a three point strategy: 1 ) soul healing practice for improving flexibility, 2) receive regular Divine Healing Hands blessings and 3) find a support buddy - someone who can help you when you are having to face new territory to increase your flexibility.
Soul Healing Practice for Increasing Flexibility
Soul Power - Say Hello:
Dear Divine,
Dear my Heaven's Team,
Dear the soul of Divine Flexibility,
I love you, honor you and appreciate you.
You have the power to help me improve my flexibility.
Would you please assist me to transform the blockages to my greater flexibility?
I am most grateful.
Thank you.
Mind Power: Visualize beautiful golden light coming into your entire torso, including your lower abdomen and your Heart Chakra. You can alternate from your lower abdomen to your Heart Chakra with your mind power.
Sound Power: Chant silently or aloud:
Divine Flexibility soul transforms the blockages to my greater flexibility
Divine Flexibility soul transforms the blockages to my greater flexibility
Divine Flexibility soul transforms the blockages to my greater flexibility.....
Chant for as long as you wish.
Close with:
Hao. Hao. Hao.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Regular Divine Healing Hands Blessings: If you have Divine Healing Hands, give yourself a blessing after each practice. If you do not have your Divine Healing Hands yet, go to at 10 a.m., 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET or connect with a Divine Soul Healer to receive blessings.
Support Buddy: And be sure to connect with your buddy regularly, especially if you are experiencing frustration. It could well be that you are being asked to "let go" and you aren't sure "how"! Support is always a good idea!
We encourage everyone to remember the power of soul to help with any aspect of life. Divine Healing Hands can facilitate more rapid healing and transformation in any aspect of life.
You can join Divine Healing Hands training programs by applying for Divine Healing Hands and then registering for a program. Go to for more information, and be sure to join the Improving your Health Everyday with Divine Healing Hands programs at 10 a.m., 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET on regularly.
With Greatest love,
Your Divine Healing Hands Team
Increasing Your Flexibility to Live a Happier Life | Divine Healing Hands
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