Living Loving Relationships at Home | Divine Healing Hands

Living Loving Relationships at Home | Divine Healing Hands

Whether we live with our parents, spouses or partners, children, friends or some combination of these, we all wish for loving, peaceful and happy relationships at home. 

Divine Healing Hands can enhance and uplift our relationships, bringing in the Divine frequencies of love, light, forgiveness, compassion and more, to heal, balance and develop our relationships at home. Divine Healing Hands blessings flow these divine frequencies through our family relations at every request, to increase the divine qualities within them.

Living Loving Relationships at Home | Divine Healing Hands
There's no end to the application of Divine Healing Hands for loving relationships at home! Offering Divine Healing Hands infuses everyone with the Divine's frequency and vibration. This can make a huge difference in family relations. 

It can open hearts and transform consciousness. It can improve confidence, happiness, faith, trust, intimacy, honesty and so much more. It can fill your home with greater and greater levels of Divine qualities.

We can also apply Divine Healing Hands on a case by case basis, to help heal blockages in family relations. 

For example, there could be disharmony between a mother and daughter. This could be an ongoing issue that creates tension in the home. We need not worry about the details. We can just send a blessing to help remove blockages and heal the root cause - the soul blockages. 

This mother and daughter have been together before. Their souls have relationship that spans beyond their current incarnation. They also have their individual soul blockages.

Living Loving Relationships at Home | Divine Healing Hands
We can offer a Divine Healing Hands blessing to the mother, the daughter and the soul of their relationship, to remove soul blockages (karma), heart and mind blockages (jealousy, selfishness, anger, and more; negative mindsets, attitudes, beliefs, attachments and more), enabling their souls, hearts and minds to open more, so they can experience more ease and grace in the situation. 

The healing could remove the tension completely, or bit by bit, so that mom and/or daughter find they can relate more lovingly, or with a new attitude or perspective.

As another example, imagine that there a health concern for a family member that is weighing on the family. Though great love is present, there are other emotions rooted in fear, control, fatigue, and more that are challenging family relations.

heal relationships | heal family
Divine Healing Hands can serve in multiple ways. First, blessings can go to the one with the health concern to improve their condition. 

Regarding family relations, blessings can go to the soul of the family and each family member and their relationships to increase their love and compassion, understanding and support, confidence and trust. 

Divine Healing Hands can boost energy, remove blockages of fear, and bring in greatest love to help the family be present to their hearts. (In times of stress or crisis, we can offer blessings multiple times a day, with guidance).

There truly is no end to how Divine Healing Hands can help us live loving relationships at home. In any and every moment, we can offer blessings to our loved ones to bring them into greater and greater frequencies of Divine love, light, forgiveness, compassion and more. 

We can truly make a difference in our relations at home with regular blessings that remove soul mind body blockages, enabling each individual to learn and grow with more ease and grace. 

If you want to deeply to help your family in any aspect of life, receive Divine Healing Hands.

heal relationships | heal family

We have several Divine Healing Hands Families, in which every family member has received Divine Healing Hands! They can implement Divine Healing Hands together or individually at any time, for their family relations, health, finances and more! And of course they can help their community and all souls of Mother Earth. What a beautiful thing! To read about two such beautiful families, go to: add blog link(s)  here. 

We hope to see more and more Divine Healing Hands Families and Divine Healing Hands healers. Go to to learn more.

With greatest love,

Your Divine Healing Hands Team

Living Loving Relationships at Home | Divine Healing Hands  heal relationships | heal family


  1. With love, Donna Muccino
    Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer


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