Transform Negative Thinking | Generating Optimism | Divine Healing Hands
Many of us limit ourselves and create blockages through negative thinking, which is related to our mental karma. This kind of blockage can be difficult for some to transform. It takes a real desire, awareness, and willingness to do the work.
Mind blockages are blockages in consciousness due to ego, attachments, negative mindsets, attitudes and beliefs. Sometimes, because of our karma, the way we came into life and the way we were raised, etc., we may have developed an over-reliance on mind and a less than optimistic perspective. How to change this life long habit?
First we can realize we have mental karma and practice forgiveness for it. We may want to look at all the ways we struggle mentally and be diligent in asking for forgiveness in these areas. If you suffer from repetitive thinking and worry, for example, it is beneficial to ask all souls, who because of you or your ancestors have suffered from repetitive thinking and worry, to forgive you. When you are in a negative thinking or worry pattern, stop and ask forgiveness right then. Whatever you find is your challenge, turn it around and ask for forgiveness. No matter how it may feel initially, do it. You will find that one very sincere moment is all it takes to release a significant blockage. This will inspire you to continue.
We can also apply the Four Power Techniques and soul healing treasures, such as Divine Healing Hands or treasures available through Master Sha's books, including the Tao Source Calligraphies in the Soul Healing Miracles Book, to transform our negative mental patterns and mind blockages.
We will work with the Tao Calligraphy Ling Guang (Soul Light), which is pictured along with Master Sha below. This calligraphy carries Tao Source frequency and vibration, and many special saints and Heaven's teams to assist all those who properly request healing and blessing. In order to receive the full power of this transmission, you will need to get a Soul Healing Miracles Book and open it to Figure 17. If you have difficulty purchasing your own copy, please leave a comment here or go to Master Sha's Facebook page and request a copy of this book. A dedicated student from somewhere in the world will send you one.
So let us set up a practice now.
Transform Negative Thinking | Generating Optimism | Divine Healing Hands
Many of us limit ourselves and create blockages through negative thinking, which is related to our mental karma. This kind of blockage can be difficult for some to transform. It takes a real desire, awareness, and willingness to do the work.
Mind blockages are blockages in consciousness due to ego, attachments, negative mindsets, attitudes and beliefs. Sometimes, because of our karma, the way we came into life and the way we were raised, etc., we may have developed an over-reliance on mind and a less than optimistic perspective. How to change this life long habit?
First we can realize we have mental karma and practice forgiveness for it. We may want to look at all the ways we struggle mentally and be diligent in asking for forgiveness in these areas. If you suffer from repetitive thinking and worry, for example, it is beneficial to ask all souls, who because of you or your ancestors have suffered from repetitive thinking and worry, to forgive you. When you are in a negative thinking or worry pattern, stop and ask forgiveness right then. Whatever you find is your challenge, turn it around and ask for forgiveness. No matter how it may feel initially, do it. You will find that one very sincere moment is all it takes to release a significant blockage. This will inspire you to continue.
We will work with the Tao Calligraphy Ling Guang (Soul Light), which is pictured along with Master Sha below. This calligraphy carries Tao Source frequency and vibration, and many special saints and Heaven's teams to assist all those who properly request healing and blessing. In order to receive the full power of this transmission, you will need to get a Soul Healing Miracles Book and open it to Figure 17. If you have difficulty purchasing your own copy, please leave a comment here or go to Master Sha's Facebook page and request a copy of this book. A dedicated student from somewhere in the world will send you one.
So let us set up a practice now.
Soul Healing Miracles Practice for Transforming Negative Thinking
Body Power: Sit up straight, with your feet flat on the floor and one palm on the Message Center (Heart Chakra) and one palm on the forehead (brain area). If you have the Soul Healing Miracles book, you may wish to place one palm on the Calligraphy or place the calligraphy right on your Message Center.
Mind Power: Visualize beautiful light coming into your Message Center and your brain area as you practice. Also touch base with your lower abdomen occasionally, to continuously ground yourself.
Soul Power - Say Hello:
Dear the Divine and Tao, and all my spiritual mother's and fathers and Heaven's team,
I love you. I honor you. I appreciate you.
You have the power to help heal my mental karma, to forgive my mistakes and to transform negative thinking patterns as I chant today.
I am so grateful for your assistance.
Will you please help heal and transform my thinking?
Thank you.
Dear all souls I have hurt or harmed, or my ancestors have hurt or harmed, through our negative thoughts, attitudes, believes, our ego or attachments, or by leading you to suffer with these issues, I deeply apologize and ask for your forgiveness.
I would be so honored if you can forgive me. I promise to purify my thoughts and to serve more and more.
Please forgive me.
I forgive you and all souls who may have hurt me this way.
I release you totally and unconditionally.
Thank you.
Dear the Ling Guang Source Calligraphy Ling Guang - Soul Light,
Dear all the saints, Heaven's saint animals, soul treasures and blessings within this calligraphy,
I love, honor and appreciate you.
Would you please bless my forgiveness practice and heal the way I think?
I'm so grateful.
Thank you.
Sound Power: Chant silently or aloud:
Ling Guang Ling Guang
Ling Guang Ling guang.
Ling Guang Ling Guang.
Ling Guang. Ling Guang
Ling Guang transforms my negative thinking to optimism
Ling Guang transforms my negative thinking to optimism
Ling Guang transforms my negative thinking to optimism
Ling Guang transforms my negative thinking to optimism....
Ling Guang transforms my negative thinking to optimism
Ling Guang transforms my negative thinking to optimism
Ling Guang transforms my negative thinking to optimism
Ling Guang transforms my negative thinking to optimism....
After chanting a while, close with:
Hao. Hao. Hao. (perfect, get well)
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Love you. Love you. Love you.
Gong song. Gong song. Gong song. (Respectfully return).
This is a wonderful practice for anyone to do, but particularly important for those who suffer with negative thinking. You can use these principles to heal any aspect of your mental body. Always remember that regular Divine Healing Hands Blessings are a powerful way to heal anything. If you do not have Divine Healing Hands, go to to inquire, or join the daily Divine Healing Hands programs on the Chanting Channel at
It is our honor to serve you.
Your Divine Healing Hands Team.
Hao. Hao. Hao. (perfect, get well)
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Love you. Love you. Love you.
Gong song. Gong song. Gong song. (Respectfully return).
This is a wonderful practice for anyone to do, but particularly important for those who suffer with negative thinking. You can use these principles to heal any aspect of your mental body. Always remember that regular Divine Healing Hands Blessings are a powerful way to heal anything. If you do not have Divine Healing Hands, go to to inquire, or join the daily Divine Healing Hands programs on the Chanting Channel at
It is our honor to serve you.
Your Divine Healing Hands Team.
Transform Negative Thinking | Generating Optimism | Divine Healing Hands
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