Transform Anger | Soul Healing Practice | Divine Healing Hands

Transform Anger | Soul Healing Practice | Divine Healing Hands

There are times in every one's life when emotional imbalances occur. When we are in emotional pain, it may be difficult to see past it. This is the time to implement a healing practice. We can all use some help!

Anger is a very disruptive emotion. It can create challenges in relationships of all types, as well as with oneself. The key is to understand two things: 1) the root cause of anger is some type of negative karma and 2) there are many soul healing techniques you can employ to transform episodes of anger, as well as to transform patterns and move toward prevention.

Let's look at root cause for a moment. Karma is a record of service. It is the record of service your soul carries for all your lifetimes. It includes not just your personal karma, but your ancestors karma also. Good karma is service that is kind, loving and helpful - making others healthier and happier. Negative karma is harmful and unpleasant services - cheating, taking advantage of people, and more.

Let's look for a moment at the Five Elements Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In that 5000 year old wisdom, everything, including everything in the human body, can be categorized as belonging primarily to one of the 5 Elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. The liver is the lead organ for the Wood Element. It also houses the emotion of anger. The elements and their organs and systems can be out of balance for many reasons, but according to Soul Mind Body Science, the root cause of any significant imbalance and pattern is Karma.

If one suffers from anger, one likely has a blockage in the liver. A blockage in the liver can be both a result of anger or a cause of anger. Either way, the blockage is somehow related to karma, and the individual is suffering with anger. In this case one can implement several forms of soul healing, but we will discuss two options here.

The first is to offer a Divine Healing Hands Blessing. For those who do not have Divine Healing Hands, you may purchase the book and receive several blessings from the book. You may also inquire how to become a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer at

Divine Healing Hands Blessings are powerful transformers of unbalanced emotions. They send in Divine frequencies of Divine Love, Light, Forgiveness, Compassion and more to transform the frequency and vibration of anger and it's root causes - the karma. This is not a total karma cleansing, but an appropriate part of the karma is removed. This can transform a current episode, while repeated blessings and practice may be needed to resolve the blockage and pattern.

The second is to offer a Forgiveness Practice using the Four Power Techniques.

Here is how to do it:

Body Power: Sit straight, with your feet flat on the floor, heels touching if comfortable. Place one palm on the lower abdomen, below the navel, and the other palm on the liver, just under the right rib cage.

Mind Power: Put your mind on your liver and see beautiful green light filling your liver. See your liver as a happy liver.

Soul Power - Say Hello:

Dear Divine,
Dear all my spiritual mothers and fathers,
Dear my Heaven's Team,
I love you. I honor you.  I appreciate you.
Would you please bless my forgiveness and healing practice?
Thank you!

Dear all the souls I or my ancestors have hurt or harmed in a way that has created anger or formed blockages in the Wood Element, in any of our lifetimes, I call you.
I wish to offer a forgiveness practice.
I deeply apologize for the mistakes my ancestors or I have made.
I'm so sorry for hurting or harming  you.
I ask for your forgiveness.
I am so grateful for your forgiveness.
I promise to purify myself further and to stop making these mistakes.
Please forgive me.

Dear all souls who have hurt or harmed me in any way that has formed a blockage in my Wood Element.
I love you and I forgive you, unconditionally.
Let us move forward in Love Peace and Harmony.

Dear the Divine Tao Song for the Wood Element, "Jaio Ya You Tao,"
I love you, honor you and appreciate you.
You have the power to heal and transform my liver, including the emotion of anger.
Please heal and transform my liver.
Thank you.

Sound Power:

Chant Jaio Ya You Tao silently or aloud, for 3 - 5 minutes or longer. There is no time limit. You can speak the words if you do not know the tone. You can learn the tone in the DVD in the back of the book pictured here.

Jaio Ya You Tao
Jaio Ya You Tao
Jaio Ya You Tao
Jaio Ya You Tao
Jaio Ya You Tao.....

When you are finished, say:
Hao. Hao. Hao. (get well)
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Love you. Love  you. Love you.
Gong song. Gong song. Gong song. (respectfully return).

If you have feelings of anger and you do this practice, you will likely feel much better! You can do this practice any time you need to, to heal and prevent anger.

We hope you've enjoyed this practice! We are most honored to share this soul healing wisdom with you.

With greatest love,

Your Divine Healing Hands Team.


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