May's Journey | Divine Healing Paws | Pet Soul Journey | Animal Soul Communication

May's Journey | Divine Healing Paws | Pet Soul Journey | Animal Soul Communication

May's Journey | Divine Healing Paws | Pet Soul Journey | Animal Soul Communication
Master Robyn Rice

When I go away to retreats with Master Sha, May goes to a pet Motel. I tell her to teach the animals and bless them with her Divine Healing Paws while she is there. I know in my heart that she does this. Her soul takes her spiritual journey very seriously. 

Master Robyn Rice of Australia is a Divine Channel and Worldwide Representative of Master Sha and a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer. She is also an animal lover. She holds Divine Healing Hands soul healing sessions for pets and animal companions on She was thrilled when her beloved dog, May, received  Divine Healing Paws, and shares her and May's feelings in this interview below.

Divine Healing Hands Team: Master Robyn, what was the inspiration for your dog, May, to receive Divine Healing Paws?

Master Robyn: I am so deeply grateful and honoured to be a Divine Healing Hands soul healer. Every time I offer Divine Healing Hands blessings I am totally blown away and deeply touched by the light and love that comes from the Divine through me, for each one's request. 

Our beloved animals are natural healers who also have a great desire to serve. I had a beloved cat who was amazing.She offered healing to me in so many different ways, but she transitioned before Master Sha was offering Divine Healing Paws. 

May's Journey | Divine Healing Paws | Pet Soul Journey | Animal Soul Communication
I always had a great desire in my heart that my dog, May, would have the opportunity to become a Divine Soul Healer. I could always feel that she wanted to serve in a more powerful way the animals on Mother earth. She always wanted to be with me when I chanted for the animals and offered Divine Healing Hands blessings. I had a great wish that she could offer blessings to the animals with me. May and I are truly One. We spend a great deal of time together in service. The day Master Sha approved that our beloved pets could receive Divine Healing Paws was a truly great day of celebration for me and May, and also for all our beloved animal friends who love to serve in every moment. They are wonderful examples of Total GOLD service. (Gratitude, Obedience, Loyalty and Devotion to Divine).

Divine Healing Hands Team: What was your experience when May received Divine Healing Paws?

May's Journey | Divine Healing Paws | Pet Soul Journey | Animal Soul Communication
May with Divine Healing Paws
and the Divine Healing Hands Book
Master Robyn: The day May received her Divine Healing Paws was a very special and sacred day. May received a huge upliftment  for her soul journey, as her soul received great virtue to be able to offer Divine Healing Paws blessings. It is truly beyond comprehension that when our beloved pets receive Divine Healing Paws, they become part of Master Sha's healing channel and are the vessels to bring the Divine frequency and vibration to other animals. This is truly the greatest honour. 

Our beloved animals are such pure channels for the Divine's love and light as they do not have the ego and the mind blockages that we carry. May has always radiated great love, however, since she became a Divine Healing Paws Soul Healer, the love and light that she radiates is truly beyond comprehension. I now call her love on legs! She is like a little ball of love and light that serves many animal souls. She also serves many humans souls. She likes to be with me when I am offering Divine Healing Hands blessings to others. Her commitment to serve has greatly increased since receiving Divine Healing Paws. She also has received a special Heaven's saints animal team that serves with her when she offers blessings.

Divine Healing Hands Team: Have you noticed any other changes in May upon receiving Divine Healing Paws?

Master Robyn: Recently I was going through a very emotional time and I truly felt held by May's love. I had never felt the love so powerfully before. She just looked at me and sat with me and in a very short time I felt so loved and supported. This is because of the blessings she has received from Master Sha. Her healing power has increased infinitely since receiving Divine Healing Paws.

Many have commented on how May has transformed greatly and how much more calm and loving she is. It is such a joy to serve together on the chanting channel, now that she has the great honour of offering blessings with her Divine Healing Paws. I also ask May's Divine Healing Paws to bless her when she is not well.

Divine Healing Hands Team: We know that you communicate with May regularly. What can you tell us about her sentiments?

Master Robyn: When I go away to retreats with Master Sha, May goes to a pet Motel. I tell her to teach the animals and bless them with her Divine Healing Paws while she is there. I know in my heart that she does this. Her soul takes her spiritual journey very seriously. May had the greatest honour of meeting Master Sha on 2 occasions, and shared with me that all she sees when she meets Master Sha is an immense light brighter than a million sun's. A light she has never seen before. May truly understands how Master Sha has saved her life many times. She is eternally grateful to Master Sha for every single blessing he has offered her. To have the great honour to be a Divine Healing Paws Soul Healer in this lifetime is truly beyond her comprehension.

How blessed we are to be with such a generous Master who not only blesses every aspect of our lives, but has the compassionate and loving heart to allow our pets to heal, transform and serve in a way that is almost unimaginable.

This is the greatest opportunity for your pets to heal, rejuvenate and transform, and to be powerful servants for other animals and nature. Divine Healing Paws is truly one of the greatest gifts you can offer your most beloved pets.

Divine Healing Hands Team: Do you think May can offer us a message now?

Master Robyn: Yes! Here is a flow from May's soul:

May's Journey | Divine Healing Paws | Pet Soul Journey | Animal Soul Communication
Hao This is May speaking, it is an honour and a delight to share with you my deepest gratitude and greatest honour to be a Divine Healing Paws Soul Healer. The day I received Divine Healing Paws was one of the greatest days in all my lifetimes. I received God's healing power to serve. What great honour and great trust Master Sha and Heaven have offered me. I can turn on Divine Healing Paws whenever I am not feeling well. I am able to serve other dogs and cats I meet now by offering them blessings. Even the dog next door that does not like me very much I offer blessings to, in the hope that one day we will be friends. As I walk on the grass, I know that every blade of grass is being blessed by my Divine Healing Paws, and even Mother Earth. The more animals on Mother Earth that carry the Divine's presence this way, the more we are raising the frequency and vibration of Mother Earth, and we can offer healing to our animal companions who need healing so much. We animals truly feel the upheaval that is taking place on Mother earth. 

Since I have received Divine Healing Paws, I feel much more peace and love in my heart. I know that Heaven is protecting me as I am here to serve the animals and nature. It is my great joy to serve, and to serve with my Mother is an even greater joy. I cannot express how I feel in my heart to be carrying this Divine presence. Who would ever thought this was possible? I love you Master Sha, I love you Divine. Thank you for choosing me to serve in this way. It is like all my dreams have come true and much more since I met you. I can never serve enough. I love you everyone. Give this great gift of service to your beloved pets. They so desire to serve at this time, in this way, by bringing Divine love and light like every Divine Soul Healer does. We are truly blessed. Your loving servant, May.


Thank you, May! Thank you, Master Robyn. We are so blessed to hear from you. Its very heart-touching to be able to help our animal companions grow, serve and advance their soul journey.

To register for Divine Healing Paws go to:

Greatest love,
Your Divine Healing Hands Team

May's Journey | Divine Healing Paws | Pet Soul Journey | Animal Soul Communication
