Finding A Bigger Purpose | Divine Healing Hands | Self Love

Finding A Bigger Purpose | Divine Healing Hands | Self Love

Finding Your Life Purpose | Divine Healing Hands | Self Love
Gorann Woodstock-Brooks
"Being a Diving Healing Hands Soul Healer has given my life a bigger and more wonder-filled purpose," says Gorann Willliams-Brooks, a retired educator and an interfaith minister from Tuxedo, NC, who became a certified Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer in 2014.  

We caught up with Gorann to ask her a few questions about her experience with Divine Healing Hands. Here's the brief interview:

DHH Team: What inspired you to become a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer?

Gorann: I was inspired to become a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer because my angels and guides made it very clear, loudly I might add, that I was to do this.

DHH Team: How has receiving the Divine Healing Hands downloads and training changed your life?

Gorann: Being a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer has given my life a bigger and more wonder-filled purpose. It is beyond an honor. There truly are no words to express my gratitude to beloved Master Sha that I can be the channel to offer this service from the Divine.

DHH Team: What are some of the healing results you have observed upon invoking your Divine Healing Hands?   

Gorann: I can give three examples involving injuries. Two friends of mine on their respective vacations, one in Pennsylvania and one in Switzerland, were each injured such that medical help was necessary and their prognosis was surgery and/or major time needed to recuperate. The one had just arrived for a two-month visit in Switzerland and twisted her ankle badly and could not walk with that leg at all. The other had pulled a tendon in her shoulder and requested healing. My husband Bill and I and Lynne Odekirk, an advanced Divine Soul Healer, delivered Divine Healing Hands Blessings to them. Both were fine in two days and went on to enjoy their vacations!
Finding Your Life Purpose | Divine Healing Hands | Self Love
Gorann and Bill in the Healing Room at The
Namaste Center in Flat Rock N.C.
Last fall my husband's right foot was swollen and somewhat red and difficult to walk on. After Divine Healing Hands blessings his foot was normal again the next morning.

I also invoked Divine Healing Hands to bless our well that was blocked during an ice storm. After the blessings, it began to work fine again and we had ample water during the storm.

DHH Team: How does it feel when you deliver Divine Healing Hands Soul Healing Blessings to yourself or loved ones?

Gorann: When God's Hand reaches out, I feel a warmth and subtle vibration, particularly in my abdomen (my zhong area, according to Master Sha’s teachings). Sometimes I see an embracing white light around the soul/souls who have requested a blessing. Many of the recipients report a sense of deep peace and calm, in addition to any improvements in their conditions.

DHH Team: Tell us how often you invoke your Divine Healing Hands and why?

Gorann: I and/or my husband invoke Divine Healing Hands once a day, unless we are guided to more often.  As I tell you this, I realize I could absolutely invoke Divine Healing Hands more often for my Beloved Self and for trees, plants, and more.  

DHH Team: How has becoming a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer affected your spiritual journey?

Gorann: Being a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer reaffirmed how happy my heart is to offer others healing and empowerment. Many of us were not taught how to love ourselves and may feel that we do not have permission to love ourselves, so it is difficult to even receive love. I have found that becoming a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer has been a very loving choice for myself and others. I have countless thank you’s for my Divine Healing Hands

Thanks, Gorann, for sharing this with us! We are so happy you and Bill are out there serving with Divine Healing Hands. Namaste!

To apply for Divine Healing Hands and/or to register for a Divine Healing Hands Training and Certification Program, go to: 

With greatest love,

Your Divine Healing Hands Team

Finding A Bigger Purpose | Divine Healing Hands | Self Love
