Bao Yuan Shou Yi Is Tao Oneness

August 4: Master Sha taught us Bao Yuan Shou Yi Master Sha. 

On August 4, Master Sha called an urgent meeting with the Divine Channels and staff members present in Hawaii. 15 mins before the meeting started in the powerful Tao Source Calligraphy Healing Field, a student came in the room. This student had just arrived to Honolulu, Hawaii. They had travelled to join Master Sha's event, and were just so happy. As hugs were being exchanged by all, Master Sha walked into the room. 

Master Sha had the biggest smile on his face as he entered the room, he was happy to be with everyone and when he saw the student he graciously welcomed this beloved soul. Soon we began gathering for the meeting, Master Sha invited the student to join us. 

This was one of the greatest teachings on ONENESS for me. We were about to meet to discuss some very important matters about Master Sha's events and their promotion. Only the core team had been invited and to see how beautifully graceful, gracious and all embracing Master Sha was in every moment touched my heart so deeply. 

During the meeting Master Sha shared some extremely sacred and high-level teachings on purification and moving the soul journey forward. There was absolutely no hesitation in sharing all of these sacred teachings in Master Sha's soul, heart and mind. The beloved student was overjoyed, they had not imagined to be able to spend such precious time with Master Sha. 

The teachings were a invaluable gift for everyone, with his open heart and pure soul Master Sha flowed everything he had to each of us. Soon Master Sha was teaching us to write Tao Calligraphy. Master Sha walked around the table helping and guiding each one of us personally to write Tao Calligraphy better. 

As we practiced Tao Calligraphy my heart and soul were in tears, tears of gratitude flowed from my heart, tears of sincere request for forgiveness flowed from my soul. 

Master Sha is so authentic in every moment, he is the same everywhere. He gives unconditionally to whoever is before him in every moment. There are no thoughts of duality, all there is in an incredible powerful force of loving Oneness. 

My insight this day was the many layers of duality I had cultivated in my heart and mind. This is the pollution Master Sha teaches us about all of the time. Duality can manifest in different ways in our lives and each time our true nature (our Yuan Shen i.e. the Tao within us) wishes we became more all embracing, more loving and move towards stillness. How incredibly blessed I am to be with Master Sha in this deeply transforming Tao Shu Fa Zhi Liao Chang (Tao Source Calligraphy Healing Field). 

It also brought me to another realization of the honor and significance of being a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer. Why is the Divine open heartedly releasing such great power to humanity and all souls at this time? Everyone can be a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer, why are God's hands available to everyone? It is heaven's way of embracing all souls. 

Yes, there is an approval process and the process is truly to support those souls who need more love to prepare themselves physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually for their service. To be a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer is to truly to serve all humanity with Tao Oneness in our hearts and souls. 

Enclosed in this blog is a Divine Healing Hands blessing of the greatest love for every reader. Love melts all blockages and transforms all life! Let us melt our blockages and move towards Tao Oneness. 

I love you all


  1. I first met Master Sha in 2005 in the spring via teleconference and a weekend workshop in the Spring in Los Angeles. I think it was that summer he had a meeting with a small group of core teachers. I, like the student above, walked into this intimate gathering. Master Sha invited me to join them and we chanted and he offered healing blessings all night until the wee morning hours. I don't think I was even a soul healer yet. I had just started studying with him. He was like you say very generous, very gracious and extremely loving and kind. I felt very, very blessed to be there. It was one of the first times his soul was uplifted to another layer of Divine as I recall. TYTYTY LYLYLY CBD CBD CBD


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