Transform Fear To Courage

I read somewhere that every problem we have was rooted in fear. Fear comes in all shapes and sizes - tiny fears, small fears, big fears and gigantic ones! For some of us its obvious and for others it may take awhile for this realization to be self-evident. It doesn't matter where we are on our journey, healing and transforming fear is always empowering. Today we are focussing on healing and transforming fears in relationships.

Some fears that may cause relationship challenges include fear of letting go of control (causing us to want to control the other person), fear that we are not good enough, fear of abandonment and other trust issues, fear of not being accepted, fear of accepting the other person, fear of pain/hurt, fear of missing out, fear that we are not OK as we are or our life isn’t OK as it is, fear that some ideal won’t come true.

And these all come down to the same fear: fear that we won’t be OK, that we are not good enough. A lack of trust in ourselves, and in the present moment.

Let us begin the healing! Please practice with me. 

Dear my beloved Divine Healing Hands
I love you, honor you, deeply appreciate you.
Please offer a blessing to transform any and all of my mindsets, attitudes, beliefs, attachments, negative memories causing fears.
Please heal and bless the soul of my relationships.
Thank you Thank you Thank you

Dear my soul heart mind and body
I love you, honor you, deeply appreciate you.
Please forgive me for all the blockages I have created with my fears
Please let us heal and transform.
Thank you Thank you Thank you

Divine Healing Hands heals and transform my fear to courage.
Divine Healing Hands 
heals and transform my fear to courage.
Divine Healing Hands 
heals and transform my fear to courage
Divine Healing Hands 
heals and transform my fear to courage.

Thank you Thank you Thank you! Love you Love you Love You.

This is a beautiful soul song blessing from Master Sha to heal and transform our fears. please play it over and over again when healing and transforming chronic fear.

I hope this blog served your life today, please do share your experience with healing and transforming your fears. 

With the greatest love and light 
