Healing & Transforming Our Relationship With Abundance!

Today, I had a profound realization about the importance of our relationship with our finances and how it directly impacts the abundance (or lack of it) in our lives. Manifesting abundance in our lives is one of our sacred responsibilities. The Source (the creator) created each one of us and this universe to self-sustain, flourish and prosper. Each one of us came into this life knowing our life-purpose and the sacred wisdom how to manifest and achieve this purpose. In order to meet our divine destiny, we have all been empowered to manifest abundance in every aspect of life, including health, relationships, intelligence, finances and so much more.  

Like every other relationship in our life, our relationship with our finances also needs loving care, nurturing and positive messages. So what are the messages we are sending ourselves about financial abundance? What information are we supplying to ourselves and the soul of our relationship with our finances? Every thought we think, every word we speak becomes a powerful messenger manifesting our reality. 

Physicist Dr. Rulin Xiu explains in her book Soul Mind Body Science System that the most astonishing and earthshaking discovery of quantum physics is that quantum phenomena are affected by the observer. How one observes affects what one observes. Quantum phenomena are not objective. The world does not exist independently of the observer. We are both the observer and the creator. Further the book states, quantum physics tells us that in the life movie we are playing, we are not only the viewer and experiencer, we are also the one who is directing and creating our own life movie.   

What does this mean for manifesting abundance in every aspect of life? It means conscious action manifests our determined state and unconscious action determines possibilities. If our heart specifies what it wants clearly and completely, then the reality will be determined. 

Let us determine our conscious action by healing and transforming the negative mindsets, attitudes, beliefs and attachments we have created about our abundant nature and the abundances in our lives. 

Please practice with me
Dear my beloved Divine Healing Hands
I love you, honor you, deeply appreciate you.
Please offer a blessing to transform any and all of my mindsets, attitudes, beliefs and attachments that are blocking abundance from manifesting in every aspect of my life. 
Please heal and bless the soul of my relationship with abundance and with my finances.
Please help me embed the message "I am experiencing abundance at all times and I am so grateful" in my soul heart mind body. 
Thank you Thank you Thank you 

Dear the soul heart mind and body of abundance and my finances
I love you, honor you, deeply appreciate you. 
Please forgive me for all the blockages I have created in my relationship with you 
Please let us heal and transform our relationship and in the process transform our reality. 
Thank you Thank you Thank you 

Divine Healing Hands heals and bless my request.
Divine Healing Hands heals and bless my request.
Divine Healing Hands heals and bless my request.
Divine Healing Hands heals and bless my request.

Thank you Thank you Thank you! Love you Love you Love You.

I thoroughly enjoyed writing this blog today and hope it brought as much joy and light to your heart and soul. Do leave me a comment on your experience with this practice

With all my love
